
I scored in the 97th percentile of 114,883 senior class examinees across 603 American universities and colleges who took the ETS Major Field Test for the Bachelor’s Degree in Business between September 2013 and June 2017.

Statistically speaking, out of everyone you talked to today, I could get you top 3% results in the cumulative assessment of accounting, economics, management, quantitative business analysis, finance, marketing, legal and social environment, information systems, and international issues.
If you’d allow me, it takes me two weeks to extend my work visa.
Should my national origin be a cause for concern, I am a current NAFTA Professional TN work visa holder.
Should global mobility be a cause for concern, I hold dual citizenship and passports.
Should I pursue my 10th visa, I am classified as a foreign national recognized for exceptional ability under Title 8 CFR §204.5 by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
Hiring me doesn't cost you a 130% return.
Hiring me gets you a 138.78% return.
That's a 130.78% alpha if you're already making 8%.
I could say this, you're at a delta of 130.78.
I'm not even convinced you're making 8%, so you're 138.78% in the red.
Where Are You Putting Your Money?

Create Predictable And Sustainable Growth
“Certainty is the number one most important thing you can have from any closer, and Romano has it.”
Isaac Kuo — International Author, Trainer, And Consultant For High-Ticket Closing And Premium Sales
“...and you are by far the most confident person which is what it takes to close the deals.”
Glenn Daniels II — Author, Speaker, Corporate Leadership Trainer and Coach
Forensic Accounting
Unaided in the five months leading up to a two-hour phone call, I confronted and recovered my funds after the misappropriation of about 30,000 USD by an embezzler 12 hundred miles away.
It could happen to you.

Their overuse of defense mechanisms, circumlocution, and how 18 U.S.C. § 1519 protects your justice.
Initial Call 6/10/2020 3:02 PM
“To be successful in anything you first have to have confidence in yourself. And you must have credibility with yourself."
Bedros Keuilian — CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp

“Confidence is just the memory of winning.”
Brad Lea — CEO of LightSpeed VT

“Few scouts can go into the mind of a young man and determine whether he’s really confident about what he can do. So you can sign him based on his ability, but then he’s gotta be successful to be confident. And once he becomes confident, that’s when you got something.”
Moneyball (2011)


Personality Brands We've Worked With

Tony Robbins

Joel Bauer

Aaron Fletcher

Chin Gregory

Fred Lam

Chase Reiner

Jason Capital

Dani Watson

Armin Shafee

Bobby Umar
Request A Time To Speak
I'll close more sales for you if I believe in my relationship with you, and if I believe making this investment is the right thing to do.
You'll hear back if your etiquette and reputation warrants it.